Grounds Rules
The Royal Gorge Rodeo Grounds are owned/operated by the Cañon City Rodeo Association. It is PRIVATE PROPERTY, not county land. In light of recent events, we have collaborated with the state and federal vets to make stricter rules regarding any and every animal that sets foot on the rodeo grounds.
1. All horses will have proof of ownership, vet health check, and negative Coggins tests within 1 year PRIOR to entering the rodeo grounds within Colorado or negative Coggins Tests within 6 months for out of state horses. Paperwork must be checked by our Rodeo Association official staff prior to entry.
2. All above paperwork will be mandatory for all events, including the Royal Gorge Rodeo. Please plan to come early due to vet checks of paperwork at the gate. All stock contractors will have to meet these same requirements.
3. All cattle will have to have proof of TB tests.
4. Rabbits, sheep, etc. (ALL ANIMALS) will need vet check paperwork with photos and any required species-specific tests done within 60 days to enter the grounds. Animals will be checked at the gate for 4-H events and every event that has animals.
5. All dogs entering the grounds must have their rabies shots with proof. Puppies who have not had all of their shots may not enter the grounds.
6. Boarded horses will be mandated to have Coggins tests drawn every 6 months.
7. Overnight layovers and boarders: No new horses will be admitted after 8:00 PM unless by special appointment. DO NOT enter the grounds with any animals before our staff clears you at the gate. All required paperwork must be shown at the gate.
8. No stallions allowed on the grounds at any time.
9. Minors under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. No running, shouting, or boisterous behavior that can spook horses.
10. Absolutely NO off-road vehicles are allowed, with the exception of rodeo grounds work vehicles that have been approved by the Cañon City Rodeo Association.